Breast Reconstruction – Take 33
My belly button kept me awake most of last night.
While I realize this is not something a person hears every day, it really is the gosh-darn truth. I mean, good grief, that breast reconstruction surgery was almost three weeks ago already. The belly button seems to be healing slower than my newly-constructed boob.
I had a really good day with my driver Bobby. We got a lot accomplished. The stitches came out, the Spanx were purchased (I’m still not sure if that’s a brand name or generic title for “an item of clothing worn by women to hold their guts in after surgery” or “fat if they’re a movie star and wearing a size 0 dress”), I found a brand new red coat (we all know that’s my color) that’s going to look fabulous on me when the rest of the swelling around my abdomen goes down.
Now if I can just get that belly button to listen to me…