Simple Joys of Life #6
I’ve been thoroughly enjoying my time over here in Richland at Adriana’s NWAACC basketball tournament, even though the Haagen-Dazs ice cream is tempting me big time. I’ve been taking the side entrance to the Hampton Inn just to bypass the gift store where the Vanilla Swiss Almond is calling to me at all hours: “Maria, chocolate-covered almonds swimming in vanilla ice creamy goodness… come and get me… you know almonds are good for you.”
I won’t enter the WinCo Foods store down the road, either, because I know that I will end up with a Haagen-Dazs Rocky Road ice cream in my cart because that’s the flavor I really want.
Ken and I have watched two exciting basketball games so far in which Adriana’s team has won by 2 points and by 5 points.
The team celebrated their first win at the Texas Road House. We don’t have this restaurant back home, so I was in heaven when Ken and I ordered the rolls with honey butter, the rib-eye steak, and the snake bites. For Pete’s sake, how much of my life revolves around food?
For those of you who are still stuck on that last paragraph (“Isn’t white bread and honey still sugar? I thought she said in her last couple of posts that she wasn’t eating sugar. She’s a big, fat liar. I wonder what else she’s hiding.”), if I cut out pasta, white flour, and natural sugars, I might as well pack it in now.
I’m taking mental note of these simple joys of life. However, my happiness is marred by one little thing: survivor’s guilt.
Another Skagit Valley College fan and I got to talking yesterday. She told me about her niece, Ruth, who lost her life at the young age of 42 to breast cancer. Why am I still here and she isn’t? Ruth sounded like a wonderful woman.
Then, there’s the mother of Adriana’s classmate who died of cancer at the age of 54.
When Ken and I first started attending Bethany Covenant Church, the staff prayed for four of us in the congregation that struggled with various forms of cancer. One by one, three of the four succumbed to their disease, leaving only me.
I’ve learned not to argue with God. He is, after all, a little bit bigger than me. However, I guess I can work on celebrating every single moment that He continues to grant me on this earth.