Dear Fran Drescher #38

Dear Fran,
Has it really been over two years since I wrote you? What kind of best friend am I?
So much has happened since I last wrote you (about my disastrous surgery) that I hardly know where to start.
Since then, I wrote a song, got a rash over half of my body, and ended up with frozen shoulder. When the orthopedic surgeon I consulted (at least four times) kept bringing up surgery, I was like, “Uh…well…um…” Who am I kidding? I think this poor body has been through the ringer enough.
Other than your hysterectomy (because of cancer), have you undergone any other surgeries? I guess I could reread your book “Cancer Schmancer” to find out.
I can’t believe I haven’t talked to you about any of these things. I guess I’m getting you mixed up with my benefactor.
When this picture showed up in my Facebook memories, I must say, I got the shivers.
But, just when I think about complaining, I slap myself upside the head and remind myself that I am still alive. Others are not so lucky.
You beat cancer, I beat cancer…it’s a good thing we are friends. We can encourage others that they, too, can have a little hope.
Best friends always,