The Journey Project – Phase I

It all began January 17, 2013. I had spent countless days revamping my website and I was exhausted. If you’ve read this blog at all, you know that my gift is more along the lines of writing, not computer maneuvering.
I sat back in my office chair, sighed, and began thinking to myself (as opposed to my usual habit of talking to myself). Okay, I had such good luck corresponding with Chesney Hawkes, that cute rock star, for my first video… now on to video two.
I tentatively began to stumble through the Internet and came upon the short video “How to Get Copyright Permission to Cover a Song on YouTube.” I had no idea what I was doing, but I finally managed to send this short email:
I would like to request permission to use the following for a YouTube video:
1. Name of Song: After All These Years
2. Name of Artist: Journey
3. Song timing: I would use the song in its entirety.
4. Nature of use: I would use as background to a slideshow of family photos.
5. Original or cover? Original
6. Profit or non-profit? Non-profit
Marie de Haan
Even though I was buoyed by my good luck with Chesney, I didn’t have very high hopes of hearing anything back in regard to this desperate email. I mean, this was the rock band, Journey, we were talking about.